BCaBA Exam Study Materials

Behavior Prep provides you with a wide variety of BCaBA exam preparation study materials which include BCaBA supervisions, BCaBA mock exams, BCaBA certification one on one study sessions, BCaBA study guides, manuals, and workshops.

The Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst (BCaBA) is an undergraduate-level certification in behavior analysis.

BCaBA Exam Certification Products & Services

BCaBA Supervisions

A BCaBA must complete supervised fieldwork hours. Potential BCaBAs can get remote supervision from BehaviorPrep as well as concentrated and supervised fieldwork hours.

BCaBA Mock Exams

With the ability to mark and scroll through questions, and add comments, our BCaBA mock exams’ 185 questions were designed to mimic the certification exam.

1:1 BCaBA Tutoring

BehaviorPrep provides private BCaBA exam instruction. Schedule a one-hour tutoring session with a BCaBA to prepare for the exam. and working on specific topics.

BCaBA Study Guides

Our BCaBA study guides break down the 5th Edition Task List. The Task List items include visuals to explain difficult concepts. .

BCaBA Workshops

Join our BCaBA workshops to understand each task individually. Participants ask questions live while we go through each section of the chosen topic.