RBT Exam Study Materials

Behavior Prep provides you with a wide variety of RBT certification exam preparation study materials which include RBT mock exams, one on one study sessions, RBT study guides & manuals, and RBT competency assessment.

The Registered Behavior Technician (RBT) is a paraprofessional certification in behavior analysis.

RBT Exam Certification Products & Services

RBT Competency Assessment

With the help of a licensed BCBA, complete your online RBT Competency Assessment. One of the last steps to earning your RBT certification is the competency Assessment.

RBT Workshops

Our live online RBT workshops include two sessions one each day Saturday & Sunday which provide interactive learning and questioning on all topics during the session, learn more on our remote RBT Workshops

RBT Mock Exams

85 questions in our practice examinations simulate the RBT certification exam. You can mark and comment on questions during the RBT mock examinations to revisit them later.

1:1 RBT Tutoring

You will meet with one of our board certified BCBAs for one hour. We customize your private RBT study session before hand selecting the topics you need to learn about and the most of your study time.

RBT Study Guides

The RBT Task List 2nd Edition’s tasks are thoroughly explained and given examples in the RBT Study Guides. After reading, use the RBT Mock Exams to check your understanding of the material.