If you completed the Verified Course Sequence (VCS) under the BCBA 4th Edition Task List but did not complete your certification before January 1, 2022 you may be required to take additional course hours to complete your certification under the 5th Edition Task List.

  • The BACB provides information on their site regarding the overview of the new requirements for the 5th Edition Task List; however, you may still need assistance determining what you need to do. The BACB provides a formal coursework evaluation for a fee. The evaluation provides you with an upgrade path. There is a fee for the evaluation that can be applied to your future BCBA application.
  • Contact the Verified Course Sequence Coordinator at your school to determine what courses you need for the 5th Edition Task List. As of September 16, 2021 a BCBA-certificated VCS Coordinator can review and attest that all certification coursework requirements have been met by completing the BCBA VSC Coordinator Coursework Attestation  or the BCaBA VCS Coordinator Coursework Attestation (pdf).
  • If the courses were not taken from a VCS or if you do not have access to the course content that was taken, contact the BACB for a formal coursework evaluation.

A. Behaviorism and Philosophical Foundations (8 questions)

A.1. Identify the goals of behavior analysis as a science (i.e., description, prediction, control).

A.2. Explain the philosophical assumptions underlying the science of behavior analysis (e.g., selectionism, determinism, empiricism, parsimony, pragmatism).

A.3. Explain behavior from the perspective of radical behaviorism.

A.4. Distinguish among behaviorism, the experimental analysis of behavior, applied behavior analysis, and professional practice guided by the science of behavior analysis.

A.5. Identify and describe dimensions of applied behavior analysis.