Breaking Down the RBT Task List

Are you studying for the RBT Exam? Need help understanding what each task involves? You need a study guide that breaks down each task in the task list.

White, Rachel. Breaking Down the RBT Task List: Based on the RBT Task List (2nd Ed.) (pp. 80-81).

The RBT® Task List outlines all the tasks that are required of an RBT® in the field. Don’t just memorize definitions and be lost when you work with your clients. This study guide helps you understand how each task can be applied in your day-to-day job tasks through easy-to-understand terms and apply. Don’t study to memorize and pass the test – Study to learn how to implement!

This study guide includes:

  • A breakdown of each task on the RBT®T ask List
  • An overview of each task
  • Detailed information on each task
  • Real-world examples to ensure comprehension of each task

The topics covered in this study guide can also be used as a study guide for anyone pursuing the BCBA® or BCaBA® certification exam. The cost of the paperback is $12.99