RBT Competency Assessment
The BACB made a statement regarding the RBT competency assessment in their September 2023 newsletter. When conducting the competency assessment, the BCBA, RBT trainee, and the client must all be from the same organization. This rule has been in place since January 1, 2024. BehaviorPREP can no longer provide remote competency assessments to ensure we abide by the BACB guidelines.
The BACB made the following statement in their September 2023 Newsletter
“The responsible assessor, assistant assessor(s), and RBT applicant must be employed at (or all have a contractual relationship with) the same organization. That organization must also be the entity providing services to the client involved in the assessment. If the responsible or assistant assessor is a BCaBA, their supervisor must also be employed at (or all have a contractual relationship with) the same organization where the client is receiving services. This relationship requirement applies to the entire assessment and not just the portions involving clients.”

You can click on the icon below to download the BACB September 2023 Newsletter and view these updates.

BehaviorPREP offers RBT Competency Assessment Preparation
RBT Competency Assessment Tutor
For more information and the steps for becoming an RBT, click here.