RBT Practice Exam B Timed
Our RBT Practice Exam B is timed and models the real exam! You will have access to the exam for 30 days. After that time frame, you will no longer have access to the exam. If you decide to repurchase the exam, you must email BehaviorPrep to reset your account.
RBT practice exam A can be taken 3 times within 60 days from the start date.
Online RBT Practice Exam B Timed
RBT Practice Exam B is based on the RBT 2nd Edition Task List and consists of 85 questions in the following areas:
- Assessment
- Measurement
- Skill Acquisition
- Behavior Reduction
- Documentation and Reporting
- Professional Conduct and Scope of Practice
You will receive scoring in each of the above areas, as well as an overall score. You will also receive full answer explanations with the BehaviorPrep practice exams for RBTs.